Mailing Cake

An OG Filming Production,
in association with
Kanrac Entertainment

Directed by: Russell A. Crews

Written by: Kansas Bradbury

Genre: Comedy

Tag line: "When Adam thinks it's Dave's birthday, you'll never guess what happens next. But remember, it's the thought that counts."

Plot Outline: Adam gets a cake for his best friends birthday. Turns out it's not his birthday and they decide to give the cake to someone else.

Background: This short film was shot for the price of the cake, $4.99 CND. "Mailing Cake" was an enjoyable and hilarious shoot. Adam Vaters continues to surprise with his talent while newcomer Dave Dahr is both funny and talented. Look for more of these two in "Polar Bear". "Mailing Cake" was shot and edited in less then 24 hours.
Click here to see "Mailing Cake".

Cast (in order of appearance):
Dave Dahr
Adam Vaters

Runtime: 3 min 10 sec
Country: Canada
Language: English
Color: Colour

Produced by:
Kansas Bradbury
Russell A. Crews
Phil Goora

Nathan O'Brian

Kansas Bradbury
Phil Goora
Nathan O'Brian

Edited by:
Russell A. Crews
Phil Goora

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